Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

War Photographer, masterpiece of understated intensity


War Photographer,

What a luck i’ve got here..frankly, it was just a coincidence that i’ve found this one indeed..never heard of it before, never be informed as well, -just trust my feeling to picked it up-, so now i’ve decided that i should put this one into my fave movie list..i would lead you to the wrong side if i classify this one as a movie, yup, it’s a documentary..

The story tell us about James Nachwey, british photographer- that dedicated his life crossing nation-border and take some pics there. And what so special bout it then..? wait till you see the pics by’s not ordinary and traveling pics, but he shot war(conflict) pics around the world..genocide, war, conflict, poverty, and some of it i could be called as disturbing pictures..

There are three reason why i really put my heart for this..

First :

I’m amazed how Jim (James Nachwey) was wound up his private practice and spent a few monts in Jakarta, he discovered ironic situation there, poverty are spreading out, lots of child and parents live –and sleep- along the railside. Crimes against the humanity that occured during the Soeharto resignation are well documented also.


I also got my eyes for the issues that caught my attention lately, yes West bank, Palestine and Zionist..He took some great pics there, intifadah, suicide bomber, etc.

Three, maybe this is a good start for me to learn photographic, take some good angle, how to well-behave with different cultures, peoples and situation (even for terrible ones)..

Happy huntin’ then..



August, 17 2010

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