Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

get up and grab it..!!

Alas.,!! woke on 6.30 forced me to rushed immediately to the office this morning. Later this day, as planned, me and collegues would investigate the Bengkulu city’s income. It;s been almost one year i’m here, -and my third auditing task-, so it means that I can’t let myself get carried out by all newbie stuff..

So, let’s do my best..bismillahirrahmanirrahim..



Jul, 28-2010

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


Ant, originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Subject : Ant
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture f/7,1, Shutter Time :50 Sec
ISO : 100, Metering : Pattern,50mm

no edited at all, just resive and watermarked..

hope you like this,
kindly please your advices and comments..thanks,;))

Danau UI-sampan

Danau UI-sampan, originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Object : Sampan, Danau UI
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture f/13, Shutter Time :1/100 Sec
ISO : 100, Metering : Pattern,35mm

at last, my second project project with SA 230, i also lil' bit confuse here, what makes me stuck on this kind method anyway,,

i shot this one around the area of University of Indonesia's lake..around 9. Lucky me, there was two janintor on board rowing around,. So, based on my little passion that they could give some living effects on my frame, i asked them to become models. Agreed, set to manual and here it goes..

once again, RGB, CMYK, and channeling, plays most part during the editing processes. Well, i also add some lighting effects on the frame-edge.. and keep the original as background,

hope you like this,
since i'm nubie here, kindly please your advices and comments..thanks,

24 Jul 2010.

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Lampu Soft Tone

Lampu Soft Tone, originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Object : Lamp
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture 1/11, Shutter Time :1/80 Sec
ISO : 100, Metering : Pattern,
well, this is my first retouch project with SA 230, so kindly please your advices and critics..
this one was taken in front of my home, Cibubur, East Jakarta.
no touch on image itself, just try to gather more experience on soft tone idea..
as you can see, i just try to maintain the true color of coconut leaves. To do so, i played around RGB, CMYK, and brightness stuff..

hope you like this,
23 Jul 2010.


Gollum.., originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Object : Gollum (Smeagol)
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture 1/9, Shutter Time :1/60 Sec
ISO : 400, Metering : Pattern,
This is my second project with SA230, little touch of RGB and CMYK though..
I also did put some dual color layer (black and white) over Gollum, to vary this..

hope u like it,.
your advices are welcome here..:)

23 Jul 2010,

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

First Project on Soft Tone (Carl Seizz, Nokia 5800)

Camera : Carl Seizz Nokia 5800
Location : Palembang, Indonesia
Time : Around 13

-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
This is my first procet for soft tone effects. I've ever saw some photographer's shot that use this kind of technique, so i decided to give it a shot here..since, im newbie here, so please do not hesitate to leave your critics and comments..:))

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Your mouth, your disaster..


My decision to read the latest article about Yusril case ended in furiuos today...

yup, It’s detik’s article which annoyed me enough on one of its article titled "Benny: Pasal 335 KUHP Memang Pasal Sampah".

There, he said that article 335 on Indonesian Penal Code such an rubbish.


FYI, Benny K Harman is one of Indonesian Legistative Member of Commision III which supervise the human right and legal matters. Legal..? yes, what a shame and ridiculous statement there.

Okay, here’s the fact, If he could said that law could be interpretate as rubbish, so, whose created them at the first place anyway..? it’s legislative itself, it's them..isn't it..? such a

Yes, it’s fact that Indonesian Penal Code was created and legally binded on 1915, and seems that it’s partially true when someone said that the regulation which contain there is not typically match for the condition on nowadays. But, it's not what i want to tell you here.. The point is, i just want to remind us again about the old quote :

your mouth, your disaster..

if those article is rubbish, so why just don't they created new Penal Code to replace those rubbish..? what is taking them so long just to create another rubbish..?

Yes, it’s really embarassing thing from your mouth, Mr. benny. We've already knew that we live in the time of terrible crisis. So, it’s much wiser for you and another 'respected 'legislative member out there to act wiser. be smart sir..

I’m not convinced enough for telling them (legislative) involved in bribes nor curruption. But what i’m telling here is, just watch your mouth since you stepping into the public eyes.

Thru, Jul 8th 2010



Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Bunga Kibut bloom lately in Curup, Bengkulu..oh, just can't wait for you my D5000..

Gosh, i read local newspaper this morning (Rakyat Bengkulu, July 5th '10), and got caught for one of its article inside which said that Bunga Kibut (Kibut Flower) or Titan Arum has been bloom lately in Curup, Bengkulu.

Article says that the flower itself 30 cm diametrically wide, with 40cm of height. For me, the good news is, flower would be bloom for about next 3 weeks ahead. Great, since i had had a plan to buy Nikon D5000VR 18-55cm, so maybe this one could be my first project, indeed.

Hope i still got my time, wish me luck anyway..;))

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Yusril.,,just apply the cattanacio style..

My eyes got caught this morning for Yusril's case. Yes, Yusril Ihza Mahendra (Indonesian Politician and Ex-Ministry of Law and Human Rights Issues) recently arrested due to corruption case allegation in sisminbakum gate. It seems that Yusril would all out to turn off this case. Therefore, this morning he stated that he would disclose another names whose connected with Century cases. For me, it's obvious that I couldn't wait to hear your testimony out there later, hope that you'll as loud as Susno, even more.

And lately, this afternoon (July 1st,2010), Yusril also said controversial things. He said that Hendarman Supanji position as general Attorney is illegal at the first place, since his position should be legalize prior by SBY, but the attorney office was already denied Yusril's statement, otherwise.

Yes, it's fact that i'm blind here and just guess for the main frame. But, as someone who had some experience working in his firm, i feel that i knew him, and i also believe that he is someone that you should be aware of. He is smart, wide knowledge in law issues, well talented and experienced ones.

So, I just wanna say that he should be not so panic. Assume that everything that he said is fact, he ought to be act wisely when reveal the facts to the media. Likewise, he could form the positive public opinion. so, it's better for him to use cattanacio for a while rather than implementing the counter attack style.

Further, it's thing that out of my mind when i hear this news. Then the some question marks comes out my head, and wandering a simple question to be answered: "what makes Yusril, (and also some academist, like Zaenal Arifin Muchtar-Executive Director of Pusat Kajian Anti Korupsi (Pukat) FH UGM) reveal the truth in these days?

why are they was kept in silent at all?

do they prior realized for this case, and hope that could use it as truff card later..?


Law represents the effort of man to organize society; governments, the efforts of selfishness to overthrow liberty.
Henry Ward Beecher