Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

Lampu Soft Tone

Lampu Soft Tone, originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Object : Lamp
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture 1/11, Shutter Time :1/80 Sec
ISO : 100, Metering : Pattern,
well, this is my first retouch project with SA 230, so kindly please your advices and critics..
this one was taken in front of my home, Cibubur, East Jakarta.
no touch on image itself, just try to gather more experience on soft tone idea..
as you can see, i just try to maintain the true color of coconut leaves. To do so, i played around RGB, CMYK, and brightness stuff..

hope you like this,
23 Jul 2010.

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