Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Danau UI-sampan

Danau UI-sampan, originally uploaded by Irdham Riyanda.

Object : Sampan, Danau UI
Gear : Sony Alpha 230
Apperture f/13, Shutter Time :1/100 Sec
ISO : 100, Metering : Pattern,35mm

at last, my second project project with SA 230, i also lil' bit confuse here, what makes me stuck on this kind method anyway,,

i shot this one around the area of University of Indonesia's lake..around 9. Lucky me, there was two janintor on board rowing around,. So, based on my little passion that they could give some living effects on my frame, i asked them to become models. Agreed, set to manual and here it goes..

once again, RGB, CMYK, and channeling, plays most part during the editing processes. Well, i also add some lighting effects on the frame-edge.. and keep the original as background,

hope you like this,
since i'm nubie here, kindly please your advices and comments..thanks,

24 Jul 2010.

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