Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Yusril.,,just apply the cattanacio style..

My eyes got caught this morning for Yusril's case. Yes, Yusril Ihza Mahendra (Indonesian Politician and Ex-Ministry of Law and Human Rights Issues) recently arrested due to corruption case allegation in sisminbakum gate. It seems that Yusril would all out to turn off this case. Therefore, this morning he stated that he would disclose another names whose connected with Century cases. For me, it's obvious that I couldn't wait to hear your testimony out there later, hope that you'll as loud as Susno, even more.

And lately, this afternoon (July 1st,2010), Yusril also said controversial things. He said that Hendarman Supanji position as general Attorney is illegal at the first place, since his position should be legalize prior by SBY, but the attorney office was already denied Yusril's statement, otherwise.

Yes, it's fact that i'm blind here and just guess for the main frame. But, as someone who had some experience working in his firm, i feel that i knew him, and i also believe that he is someone that you should be aware of. He is smart, wide knowledge in law issues, well talented and experienced ones.

So, I just wanna say that he should be not so panic. Assume that everything that he said is fact, he ought to be act wisely when reveal the facts to the media. Likewise, he could form the positive public opinion. so, it's better for him to use cattanacio for a while rather than implementing the counter attack style.

Further, it's thing that out of my mind when i hear this news. Then the some question marks comes out my head, and wandering a simple question to be answered: "what makes Yusril, (and also some academist, like Zaenal Arifin Muchtar-Executive Director of Pusat Kajian Anti Korupsi (Pukat) FH UGM) reveal the truth in these days?

why are they was kept in silent at all?

do they prior realized for this case, and hope that could use it as truff card later..?


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