Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Your mouth, your disaster..


My decision to read the latest article about Yusril case ended in furiuos today...

yup, It’s detik’s article which annoyed me enough on one of its article titled "Benny: Pasal 335 KUHP Memang Pasal Sampah".

There, he said that article 335 on Indonesian Penal Code such an rubbish.


FYI, Benny K Harman is one of Indonesian Legistative Member of Commision III which supervise the human right and legal matters. Legal..? yes, what a shame and ridiculous statement there.

Okay, here’s the fact, If he could said that law could be interpretate as rubbish, so, whose created them at the first place anyway..? it’s legislative itself, it's them..isn't it..? such a shame..lol..

Yes, it’s fact that Indonesian Penal Code was created and legally binded on 1915, and seems that it’s partially true when someone said that the regulation which contain there is not typically match for the condition on nowadays. But, it's not what i want to tell you here.. The point is, i just want to remind us again about the old quote :

your mouth, your disaster..

if those article is rubbish, so why just don't they created new Penal Code to replace those rubbish..? what is taking them so long just to create another rubbish..?

Yes, it’s really embarassing thing from your mouth, Mr. benny. We've already knew that we live in the time of terrible crisis. So, it’s much wiser for you and another 'respected 'legislative member out there to act wiser. be smart sir..

I’m not convinced enough for telling them (legislative) involved in bribes nor curruption. But what i’m telling here is, just watch your mouth since you stepping into the public eyes.

Thru, Jul 8th 2010



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