Minggu, 11 April 2010

it's monday..

it was started with one spoon of honey, two glass of water, some breads with milk for breakfast (what a really fast one, isnt's it?), a ciggarete, a pill of Enervon-C, and seems that a cup of Torabika Capucinno around 10, and Nasi Uduk Cak Didi for dinner would be nice.
no motorcyle today, just bicycle..
hmm..What should i do down here anyway, hmm..maybe it's time to grab some documents and tidy them up..(since my boss told me to do so, yeah, i'll say boss)..well, at least those are the last thing i can do here all alone...alone..? hey, it's not a connotation, err..though lately sometimes i do feel lonely either..but relax, don't take that as my deadwish, haha..
yes, most of my friend in this room are goes out for duty, so here i am, sittin', bloggin', browsin', finishin' my own-pending-task, sleepin' (for real)..and waitin' for 5...
wait, maybe i could go out for a while visiting local legal aid organization and take a little chat with staff there, after lunch would be great. It's good for me if they asked me to contribute on their program, maybe a little hand from me could help them out and also help me out refresing my legal knowledge..
we'll see..

April 12-2010

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