Senin, 12 April 2010

Rate : 7,5 of 10

Revieeeww timeee...
take a seat, make sure some snack already well-positioned in your hand, and enjoy this one..yup, i recommend you to watch this one,,
close your eyes for a while, and try to imagine: this afternoon your Blackberry ring, a stranger ask you politely ask you coming into some room in your office. Then, with a fake smile and simulated compliment, -like a millions of lightning struck you-, he told you that your position was unneccesary anymore for the company where you worked at for this whole time..yeah, you are jobless now..
wait..two strangers..??how come..? yes, it's what we talk here as we talk about Up In The Air..
Those two strangers are:
#1 Ryan Bingham (George Clooney), a mid-age succesful businessman, motivator, lot of job experiences, but hasn't married yet.
#2 Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) 23 years old girl, fresh graduate, full of idealism and spirit, but lack of job experiences.
Both working in Career Transition Counseling (CTC), a private company which focused its business to firing people from other company as their clients.
Since CTC's clients are spreading around in some city in the USA, so its also common for Ryan to take some flights in a months..he also had a personal goal to become the special costumer of his subscriber airline, and wish that he could obtain the gold member card from the airline later..thus, this kind of lifestyle make him to spend most of his time UP IN THE AIR..

for me, the storyline : this is a creative and fresh ones idea from we know, since the global economic crisis, there's been a large number of unemployment in USA nowadays, so maybe Up In The Air could inspire us, how we should put away the 'jobless disaster'. Instead of it, it's better for us if we could turn it into the 'new opportunity' in our life..
my little critic here is: the love-relationship between Alex Goran (Vera farmiga) and Ryan wasn't well-directed, so as moviegoers it's hard for me to feel their chemistry, even untill the's pity though..

so, fore you whom looks for a fresh drama, lot of inspiring things, nice pictures and landmarks, you could find it all here, UP IN THE AIR..

Sat,April 2010

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