Kamis, 08 April 2010

Stuck...dunno what to doooooooooooooo........!!

fri, April 9-2010, around 10.

Poor, It's Friday and it's also already clear that i almost do nothing in the office for this whole week (that's why i assume myself as the covered unemployment here). Yeah, since i'm stuck on two subjects in specialist auditor training programme - that i enrolled last year in Makassar-, so i couldn't be called to join the team to do the auditing duty (at least until next June, when i do retake the subject and pass, InshaAllah).

Consequently, this conditions also burdened my chance to get more auditing experiences. Frankly, it's okay for me, since i also never wanna be an auditor at the first place, indeed. But, what i'm cursed is this 'totally jobless situation'. Hmm..but wait..maybe, i could use this time to learn things that i really like bottomheart..yeah, Law..really do love it, and miss it too..).

Obviously, i hope this office would asked me and another 'temporary free duty auditor' to enrolled the training sessions later, due to our interest, talent, and needs. Seems to me that it's better than let us freeze and suffer pra-autism syndrome down here..T_T).

Gosh..stop humbling you stonehead,..!! just pray, let it flow, and do the best to make things better.
For now..just enjoy this incoming weekend and wish things would be better next week. Amien.


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